The Baskiti Co.
Baskiti Christmas Stockings

Back in 2020, I launched Baskiti. Another Pandemic Business, you ask? Well, YES! But Baskiti wasn't just another venture—it was born out of sheer necessity, not just for me, but for countless others too! Picture this: juggling the demands of a full-time PR consultancy with a 14-month-old toddler. Like many parents, I found myself resorting to anything and everything to keep my little one occupied.
I'll admit, there were moments
when I turned a blind eye to creative chaos. One such day, my son decided that our veggies made excellent substitutes for his personal ball collection. Potatoes, onions, and sweet potatoes soared through the air, leaving a mess in their wake. It was then that I knew I had to find a solution.
Thus, Baskiti was born—a simple yet ingenious answer to keeping your veggies (and anything else, really) out of your kiddos' reach while adding a touch of design to any open wall. Since its humble beginnings, Baskiti has evolved into a beloved brand, but our
core vision remains unwavering: crafting storagesolutions that just make sense. Baskiti is where design and functionality intersect!
I sincerely hope that your Baskiti brings you as much joy as I've experienced in connecting with each and every one of you. Thank you for being a part of this journey.